Our Priority Selection will open on February 7, 2022 at 12:00 PM and will be open for 24 hours to ensure each selection form is submitted into the lottery system. Hang tight, and Good luck!
Our Priority Placement Portal is now open for submissions for the next 24 hours. Remember to review the sample form prior to selection. If you are a realtor with multiple multiple clients, you will be required to submit individual forms to be eligible. Physical forms brought to the sales office or e-mailed to the Sales Team will not be accepted.

Preferred Home Selections
Once this timer gets to zero, you will have 24 hours to follow the link that appears and fill out all the information in the priority placement portal including your information, your realtor’s information (if applicable), preferred home choices and any comments you think are important for us to know.
Opportunity to Secure a Writing Appointment
To successfully submit your home preferences through the priority placement portal to be entered into the lottery system, you will need a Google account or register your current email address with Google as the submission website is hosted by Google Forms. The submission portal will not be set live prior until the above-mentioned time to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity.
Lottery System Submissions
This is an opportunity to secure a contract writing appointment for one of your preferred homes. It does not provide any assurance of the right to purchase, nor does it provide a guarantee of your selection. Be sure to review the sample selection form prior to the selection time.
Virtual Line-up, and Contracting
By February 10, 2022 at 4PM, those who have secured a home will be contacted by phone and/or email to schedule a writing appointment time or instructions on writing your contract remotely. If you do not hear from us, you will be automatically waitlisted and will be contacted if a home becomes available.
Please download and review all of the information on the priority placement sample form including your preferred home choices and the rules on the second page. There will not be any switching out of individuals permitted. Should this be attempted, the allocated home will be forfeited to the next party on the waitlist. Forms brought to the sales office or e-mailed to the Sales Team will not be accepted.
Download Priority Selection Form